Considering joining us, but uncertain about what the trekking portion involves? Check out the answers to these frequently asked questions!
If you still have questions, please write to

Does the trek involve sleeping in tents?
No, we will be doing a tea house trek, meaning that each night we will sleep in simple guest houses with beds, covers and bathrooms. The accommodations are very minimal but comfortable, and there is usually plenty of hot water for showers (very luxurious!). This means too that you will only need to carry your clothes and toiletries without a lot of extra gear.
Do participants carry their own gear/tent/etc.?
As above, we do plan to carry our own gear, however we will be able to leave anything we don’t want to bring in Kathmandu in secure storage during the trek. You will really only need to carry your clothes and toiletries, and if this is still a dissuasion, you can hire a porter for about $20/day
How many hours of hiking each day?
We will usually do about 4 hours per day. For this trek, there is an option to drive in a bit farther (meaning less trekking on the first day), and drive out a bit sooner (meaning less trekking on the last day). Because we are choosing one of the most popular treks, and planning to walk only 4 hours a day, we can go as fast or as slow as participants need.
What is the terrain like — steep climbs, steep descents, walking through water?
There are a few steep climbs, mostly with stone stairs, and one day with a very steep (and beautiful!) descent. We will walk over many bridges, but unless it rains, no water. We can take these inclines slowly if needed.
How cold does it get at night?
In November it will be chilly at night, but most tea houses warm by fire, and there are blankets on the beds. What I recommend is that everyone bring one or two extra airline blankets, as they are light and warm.
What are the expected temperatures?
Average temperatures in November are around 70 degrees (21 CELSIUS) during the day and sunny, and 40 degrees (10 CELSIUS) at night. Of course, the higher we climb, the cooler it will be, but there will be only one night that we will most likely dip below freezing. At the peak of the trek, we will climb to 3200 for an amazing view of the himalayas, but only for an hour or so. we will surely need to bundle up on this morning but once walking again, we will warm up quickly.
Does the trek portion involve service work?
We will be doing (if you want to participate) some volunteering in Kathmandu only. There will be two days where you will have the option to participate in work with a children’s home.